Sunday, September 16, 2012

Textbook Sellers Are Never Reliable

I haven't gotten my philosophy textbook and unfortunately that prevented me from truly starting to learn. I'm quite upset with myself. But I'm sure that now that I've realized what an awful procrastinator I am, I can change it and work really hard to catch up.

(Although to be honest, I shouldn't have signed up for an online class. I do much better in an actual classroom.)

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Blog Post for my First Philosophy Class

When I think of a college Philosophy class, I think about this scene from some show in the 90s where a student and teacher are talking about how a chair isn't really there. So my understanding of the subject is currently awful. I'm eager to learn about it though. I figure it should be easy for me since I spend a lot of time deep thinking. I'm a bit worried about taking this class online. But hopefully the material is clear and not complicated enough that I can't grasp it.